Thursday, January 30, 2020

Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Essay Example for Free

Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Essay A grant proposal for human services is a written presentation of a program plan. This plan details how the applicant will approach the identified needs or problem with their proposed course of actions. The narrative section of a grant proposal usually includes the following sections: abstract, table of contents, specific aims/background and significance/needs and problem statement, target populations, approaches and methods, long- and short-term goals, process, outcome, and impact objectives, activity plans and scheduling (timeline), evaluation plan, agency capacity and project management and budget and budget justifications. Grant writing involves lots of planning, organizing, integrating, evaluating and critical thinking. The quality of grant proposal is one of the most important factors in funding decisions. The city of Portland is similar to many other communities throughout the country. As a large metropolitan city, the region has experienced increasing reports of domestic and youth violence, spousal and child abuse, assault, and incidents of road rage over the last 5 years. The PEACE Domestic Violence Agency has a mission to reduce victim trauma, empower survivors, and promote recovery through direct services. PEACE is committed to reducing the incidence of sexual assault and domestic violence through education and strives to challenge societal norms and beliefs that condone and perpetuate violence in the community. In the case of the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency, the grant starts by identifying the program’s critical needs within the targeted community. The city of Portland has been experiencing an increase of domestic violence and youth violence, spousal and child abuse, assault and reports of incidences of road rage over the past five years. The abstract is the shortest section of the proposal, however it is the most important and most read section of the proposal. The abstract typically includes: the name of agency, type of organization, purpose and objectives of the project, specific interventions for the project, target population: demographic, age, race, gender, special needs, location and setting of project and relevance of the proposed project to the funding intentions. There is then usually a table of contents developed, which will also be one of the last parts to finish. It is a guide to what is in the proposal and tells you where information is located. The table of contents serves as a checklist during the writing process as well. The next section that should be completed is specific aims. This section is where the statement of problems and the issues to be addressed by the project go. This section will also include the working hypothesis for the project. The PEACE has a particular belief that is motivating them and guiding them through the development of the program. In this section, the PEACE organization will also describe the expected outcomes, and interventions proposed to achieve these outcomes. When it comes to writing target populations, the PEACE organization will want to describe the target environment such as the community, neighborhood, city and district as well as the population being served. This section will include who and how many people will participate or be served through the PEACE organization. The organization’s mission statement is a permanent expression of the reason for existence of the organization. But in order to bring the PEACE organization’s mission statement into a more manageable level, there needs to be a list of goals created that are appropriate for the organization. Objectives should be included as well, which are a statement of measurable and directional change for a specific population in a specific time period. A time line should be created which is an expected schedule for activities by each component. A time line helps the writer to realize the program’s time limitations and the need to plan well for the distribution and implementation of program activities. Program evaluation is a type of evaluation research that systematically assessed the achievement of a specific program, in this case the PEACE organization. An evaluation plan is a design that the program’s staff and evaluators will follow to assess the progress and results of the PEACE organization programs. A program evaluation plan should be developed along with the formulation of program goals, objectives and activities at the beginning of the program. The program evaluation will achieve some basic objectives such as: documentation of program implementation strategies, intervention models, and other process information. It also is a measurement of the PEACE program outcomes and results and an assessment of overall impact and success of the program. The agency capacity is associated with how much trust others put in the PEACE organization. It is important that the PEACE organization convinces the funding sources that it is uniquely qualified and competent and they can entrust it with funding. The budget is a financial plan that estimates the cost for implementing a program and the allocation of these costs. There are many costs to consider in the PEACE organization budget such as: salaries for employees including payroll tax, health insurance, life insurance, rent, utilities, furniture, supplies, travel expenses, materials, trainings, etc. The PEACE Domestic Violence Agency is a great agency with the goal in mind of reducing the rates and incidences of domestic violence, through the process of education, as well as providing assistance to people who have been hurt or mistreated. This organization has programs put in place to help the men, women and children regardless of their ages and personal background who have undergone some sort of abuse or mistreatment and are in need of assistance. This program is very important for a number of reasons, but mainly for the much needed help it would provide for those persons who have been involved in such a terrible situation like domestic violence. There are many financial needs that arise with any organization, but especially in a situation such as a domestic violence situation because the people in need of assistance may not have the funding to afford the help he/she will need to be safe. Depending on the situation at hand, the people seeking assistance from the domestic violence program may be looking for shelter from a loved one who has hurt them. If this is the case he/she would most likely be without much funding and would need a place to live as well food and clothing. These are things that could be provided with ease if the grant was approved. Domestic violence is a very serious situation that is important for people to escape from while they can. They need all the help and assistance they can get and it is important that there is an organization willing and ready to help with this transition.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Global Look at Internet Censorship Essay -- Internet Censoring Censors

Global Look at Internet Censorship Introduction Many Americans take for granted the freedom that living in the United States allows us. As we go through our days, we whine about our bosses, the governor’s latest political agenda, or read commentary about how the war in Iraq is morally wrong. Whether we are sending e-mail, posting on message boards, or reading the news online, we are guaranteed the same freedom of self expression that we enjoy offline. In other countries, the mere act of accessing websites that criticize the government is an offense that can land you in prison. Within this paper, we will explore Internet Censorship as a global issue as well as an ethical issue. The Internet The Internet, while relatively young, has made its way into the everyday life many in the United States. It allows for instantaneous communication with others around the world and not just person to person communication but mass communication. The Internet has become a popular medium since it incorporates characteristics of several other media and communication systems, i.e. print, broadcast, and postal systems.[1] Despite being such a powerful tool, the Internet is now affordable for most of the world’s population. Internet cafes have sprung up in nations around the world, providing people with a quick, easy and cheap way to interact with the Internet. â€Å"The Internet has the potential to be a tremendous force for development by providing quick and inexpensive information, by encouraging discussion rather than violence, and by empowering citizens †¦Ã¢â‚¬ [2] It has facilitated the flow of information, has no national boundaries. While the Internet as a whole can not be controlled by any one country, or even a group of countries, nation... ...ralia, Internet Censorship: Law & policy around the world [7] Sorensen, 16 [8] Electronic Frontiers Australia, Internet Censorship: Law & policy around the world [9] Bowman, Lisa M., â€Å"Report seeks U.N. help in Net case,† CNET, 17 April 2004, [10] Human Rights Watch, â€Å"Freedom of Expression and the Internet in China: A Human Rights Watch Backgrounder,† (2001), 17 April 2004 [11] Human Rights Watch, â€Å"The Internet in the Mideast and North Africa: Free Expression and Censorship,† (1999), 17 April 2004 [12] Electronic Frontiers Australia, Internet Censorship: Law & policy around the world [13] International Freedom of Expression eXchange, â€Å"Saudi Arabia: Ban on Gay websites Lifted,† (2004), 17 April 2004 [14] International Freedom of Expression eXchange, â€Å"Saudi Arabia: Ban on Gay websites Lifted†

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Effect of Changes in Substrate Concentration on the Reaction Rate

Effect of changes in substrate concentration on the reaction rate of an enzyme IB biology Internal Assessment 3/23/12 Research Question: Effect of changes in substrate concentration amount on the reaction rate of an enzyme Introduction: In this experiment, the substrate is hydrogen peroxide. The purpose of this investigation is to find out the relationship between the substrate concentration and the rate of reaction. Substrates are molecules that are acted upon by enzymes. For instance, amylase, an enzyme found in saliva, helps break down complex starch molecules (substrates) into smaller sugar molecules (products).In other biochemical reactions, substrates require assistance of specific enzymes to form new products. When the amount of enzyme stays constant, the substrate concentration will determine the rate of reaction. However, when the number of substrate molecules exceeds the available number of enzyme, the rate of reaction will no longer increase, but stay constant. If there is a constant amount of enzyme, as the concentration of a substrate increased, the rate of reaction will increase as well. This is because of molecular collisions.If you have more reactant molecules, there are more to collide. Aim: The effect of hydrogen peroxide on the enzyme activity of catalase Hypothesis: When the amount of enzyme stays constant, the substrate concentration will determine the rate of reaction CONTROLLED VARIABLES| Units| Possible effect(s) on results| Amount of enzyme | 2. 8g| an extra drop of enzyme can alter the rate of reaction | Size and type of test tubes | 30ml| The size and type of test tubes were constant, because they can alter the pressure | | Units| Range|INDEPENDENT VARIABLE | Hydrogen Peroxide (Substrate) Concentration | ml| 5,10,15,20,25,30| DEPENDENDENT VARIABLE| Rate of Reaction | Seconds| 80 secs| VARIABLES: METHOD FOR CONTROLLING VARIABLES: CONTROLLED VARIABLES| Method for control:| 1. Amount of enzyme| All liver used were at a constant weight of 2. 8g | 2. Size of test tube | All test tubes were 30ml| METHOD FOR COLLECTING DATA: 1. Prepare a tube rack and place 6 30ml tubes in them. 2. Weigh liver at a constant 2. 8g. 3. Place the 6 pieces of liver into the test tubes. 4.Obtain 3% hydrogen peroxide and a graduated cylinder. 5. Pour 5ml into test tube 1, 10ml into test tube 2, 15ml into test tube, 20ml into test tube 4, 25 ml into test tube 5, 30ml into test tube 6 (but not at once one after the another) . 6. Once hydrogen is in the test tube start the stop watch to see how long it will take to react. 7. Repeat the action in no. 5 & 6, six times for each tube. 8. Observe what happens to the liver while reacting to the hydrogen peroxide. 9. Clear up the station and pour liver into a waste beaker. 0. Clean each of the test tubes out and put the materials away. The materials used in this experiment are: I. 50-ml graduated cylinder II. Fresh liver III. 6 test tubes (30 ml) IV. 3% Hydrogen peroxide V. Disposable Pipettes VI. Sto pwatch VII. Digital scale VIII. 50ml beaker IX. Test tube rack X. Plastic knife XI. Scissors QUALITATIVE DATA. The reaction started as soon as Catalase touched the surface of hydrogen peroxide. More concentrated hydrogen peroxide produced more oxygen bubbles and the reaction rate was faster.As more substrate was added the reaction was faster. Once the 5ml of hydrogen peroxide was put into the test tube with the liver, the reaction rate was slow. As the amount of hydrogen peroxide increased the reaction became faster. When putting the 15ml of peroxide into the test tube 3 during the first trial the reaction bubbles spilled into tube 4 affecting the result slightly, because it made it to start reacting before the 20ml of peroxide was put into test tube 4 . In test tube 6 during the first trial the liver was lifted from the surface about 2cm.The color for test tubes 1-5 during all the six trials was light brown, but for tube six the color was dark brown. BEFORE SUBSTRATE AFTER SUBSTRAT E RECORDING RAW DATA:PROCESSING RAW DATA: Amount of Solute concentration (ml)| Repeat| Reaction time (s)(+/-0. 5s)| 5| 1| 130| | 2| 129| | 3| 130| | 4| 132| | 5| 128| | 6| 123| 10| 1| 100| | 2| 110| | 3| 92| | 4| 98| | 5| 95| | 6| 101| 15| 1| 87| | 2| 87| | 3| 84| | 4| 88| | 5| 82| | 6| 84| 20| 1| 63| | 2| 70| | 3| 78| | 4| 71| | 5| 74| | 6| 75| 25| 1| 59| | 2| 58| | 3| 60| | 4| 60| | 5| 58| | 6| 59| 0| 1| 39| | 2| 42| | 3| 37| | 4| 41| | 5| 40| | 6| 38| Amount of Solute concentration (ml)| Repeat| Reaction time (s)(+/-0. 5s)| Mean (s)(+/-0. 5s)| 5| 1| 130| 128. 6| | 2| 129| | | 3| 130| | | 4| 132| | | 5| 128| | | 6| 123| | 10| 1| 100| 99. 3| | 2| 110| | | 3| 92| | | 4| 98| | | 5| 95| | | 6| 101| | 15| 1| 87| 85. 3| | 2| 87| | | 3| 84| | | 4| 88| | | 5| 82| | | 6| 84| | 20| 1| 63| 71. 8| | 2| 70| | | 3| 78| | | 4| 71| | | 5| 74| | | 6| 75| | 25| 1| 59| 59. 0| | 2| 58| | | 3| 60| | | 4| 60| | | 5| 58| | | 6| 59| | 30| 1| 39| 39. 5| | 2| 42| | 3| 37| | | 4| 41| | | 5| 40| | | 6| 38| | *Sample Calculation of mean: sum of reaction time for tube/# of trials 39+42+37+41+40+38=237 237/6= 39. 5 PRESENTING PROCESSED DATA CONCLUDING: My hypothesis was supported based on my data. The data suggests that as the hydrogen peroxide concentration increases the rate of reaction increased. It took less time for it to react according to figure 1. The general trend that was in this experiment was that the numbers for each amount of hydrogen were in the same range e. g. 15ml (87 87 84 88 82 84).My prediction was correct the more substrate was added the less time it used to react hence a faster reaction rate. There were no anomalous results. The data in this experiment suggests that the change in amount of substrate creates a faster reaction rate. EVALUATING PROCEDURES: Even though the experiment and the outcome of the experiment support my hypothesis; there are some weakness in this experiment that would have enabled a better outcome. The weaknesses that were present in the in the method of chosen for this investigation was the size of liver.The last weakness the arrangement in the steps taken. IMPROVING THE INVESTIGATION: To improve the results of this investigation is the size of liver should have been smaller, so that more reaction would have taken place and the color of the liver would have changed more for all of the tubes. Another improvement would be in the arrangement of steps taken. To avoid the spillover of the reaction bubbles into test tube 4, the amount of hydrogen peroxide should have been in the test tubes first then the liver should have been dropped in after.